Six Basics for CommCard
Who, What, Why, How, When & Where?
- The CommCard Program is designed to support people who have one or more developmental disabilities.
- No requirement to be receiving, or be eligible to receive, Developmental Disability Services from the state.
- No requirement to have an intellectual disability.
- Training and a card to support someone communicating with a helping professional (Law Enforcement, Healthcare Providers, Teachers, Bus Drivers, etc.)
- A foundation to build empowerment and self-advocacy.
- A way to increase understanding and awareness about people with developmental disabilities.
- Law enforcement encounters can be especially difficult and dangerous for someone with a developmental disability.
- Lack of communication with healthcare professionals can lead to negative health outcomes.
- Employers and teachers may be better able to support someone if they know what accommodations someone needs.
- Restaurant and other customer service employees may misinterpret someone’s behavior if they don’t get information to explain what is happening.
- Two-part training for cardholders and their advocates to learn about:
- Developmental disabilities
- Accommodations
Americans with Disability Act of 1990 and Amendments of 2008 - Stress and the brain
- How to create a personalized CommCard
- How to safe & effectively use a CommCard
- Plan and encourage practice using a CommCard
- During encounters with helping professionals such as law enforcement, health care workers, teachers, employers, customer service representatives, and more.
In the community, during travel, at a medical appointment